Welcome to 2020 – Christmas and New Year we will remember for quite a while!
It is astonishing to think how quickly the everyday certainties in our lives can just disappear. Perhaps the catastrophic and devastating bush-fires we are witnessing demonstrates clearly, how much we take for granted – the ordinary things we have and do. All our basic needs gone in an instant! When nature rages, we will always be at its peril.
It is fascinating to listen to what those closest to these circumstances have to say. Words and behaviours that normally come forward in times of great grief – which this is. As much as this is a time of unfathomable loss and grief, it will also be a time of remarkable human growth that we all can play a part. I wonder what part you will play or are playing now?
Every day, so many of us experience tremendous loss and heart-breaking change without notoriety; and again, pieces of our lives have and need to be mended for some semblance of going forward in our time. How do we do this is where we show our true colours – on our own or in the uplifting arms of compassion from family, friends or complete strangers?
Looking back is a bit like regrets – in the past. Who knows what is ahead! One step at a time and soon the past will let go and new growth will appear. A fine story to tell one day to a willing listener from another time.
Take care, be well and the best you can be – no matter what!
I know you can relate to this image:

“You may not control the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
I have a certain way of being in this world, and I shall not, I shall not be moved!”
Quotes by Maya Angelou (1925-2014)
Just a few thoughts on the Ant Carrying A Leaf. If your “Leaf” is too heavy your performance and/or transformation in life needs some help. Be brave and contact the best way for you.
Take care of you first – you are a gift to others.